Tag Archives: weight loss diary

I don’t tell Facebook I’ve been to the gym


I think most people do. If my ‘friends’ on facebook are anything to go by. By ‘friends’ I mean, in large, a bunch of people I haven’t seen since I left school/college/uni/college again.

But, I can’t really be moral about that, because I always mention it here instead.

So, anyway… Guess where I’ve just been?

I’m still alive, although my arms were struggling with the weights bit. I did worse than last time, at that bit, I thought you were supposed to get better! So, I’m now sitting in the car on my inlaws’ driveway as my husband has gone into retrieve the kids (this is where they’ve been while I’ve been at the gym, as husband has been at work).

Poorly Sick

So, since the last time I posted, big kid got poorly sick. Properly. This is unusual, although he has his fair share of coughs and colds, he’s rarely actually ill.

This led to a bit lot more staying in the house, and a little lot more snacks and bad stuff. So… I went to the gym yesterday, first day on weights (scary). Did ok, survived and felt fine. Husband started work at lunchtime, so brought the kids home and fed the baby (big one still not well), then I got a migraine. Recently, I’ve been having different migraines, ophthalmic ones, which was a bit unnerving until I googled it to find out it’s nothing to panic about!

However, it didn’t go away, I got worse and worse, ending up moving the kids into my bed, so we could all lie down. Big kid took this opportunity to start getting better, and got lively again. I ended up dizzy and faint, and husband had to come home. I felt awful (literally) and awful (guilty) as he’d had to leave work, but I physically couldn’t get up and move round properly.

Hoping this was a one off!!! Not letting it put me off. Had a rest day today, went to fat class, lost 1lb. Not great, but better than I expected. We learnt about labelling today, and basically how most of the when you pick something because it says ‘diet’ or ‘light’ it’s not that good. I was surprised by how much sugar was in cereal bars!! Haven’t eaten them since I was pregnant, but I won’t be eating them again!

Back to the gym tomorrow. Afternoon this time, and I’ll drink lots more, as that seems to be the key. I get migraines for eyesight (all good, fairly new glasses), blood pressure (currently behaving) and dehydration (doh!).

Fairly easy to fix though, that’s a good thing. Well, I need to sleep. G’night folks! Good luck to anyone braving anything new tomorrow xx