I love the winter light
(Shame I’m terrible at photos)
I love the winter light
(Shame I’m terrible at photos)
There are many different kinds of hell, but any soft play area (particularly one attached to a pub/restaurant) during a school holiday definitely counts as hell.
Noise. Overpriced coffee and juice. Sticky floors. Having to take your shoes off and standing in something unidentifiable. Baby getting hit in the head by a plastic ball. Misplacing your kids. Someone ending up in tears. Queuing to find a seat.
You get the idea….
And I paid for this as thisisfun?
Still, it’s bloody freezing outside.
Annual parent torture!
I’m not even gonna pretend to know what they are!
OK… google thinks they might be ‘Autumn crocus’ and I’m inclined to agree! (Who dares doubt the mighty Google?)
Google also says – don’t eat it. I find myself saying that a lot as the owner of small children, but thankfully, they aren’t into eating flowers!