Tag Archives: kids

Holidays and fun days must end :(

Back to school soon. New shoes, trousers, shirts, water bottles….. Lots of money spent, hopefully they’ll look smart for more than 5 minutes!

Memories from this summer – the accidental minion Clan Lanaghan for Tyneside rocks (not that they ever got hidden!)

And there were 4 in the bed…

Whilst having the kids for the summer has been a little stressful at times, I’m gonna miss having all the minions around! This was the only summer we’ll ever spend all together like this and that makes me sad.

Although there’s a plus side – I’m glad to be back in my own bed, and this year the midgies decided I was tasty and bit me. A lot. And I have Pilates and aquafit tomorrow, I’ve missed my exercise classes (although walking for miles wearing a baby should have helped keep me fit!)

And maternity leave is running out.. Still waiting to hear about a job, so just trying to ignore the impending sense of doom, panic and waves of stress til nearer the time 🙁 never felt this bad about going back to work after mat leave, I thought I’d manage better third time round!

New year, same life..

After a break from blogging due technical and life difficulties, I signed up to blogging 101 to try and get back in the habit.

Lesson one? Who I am and why I’m here.

That led to a bit of ‘what’s the meaning of life’ type thinking, but I don’t think that’s what they’re after.

So, without further ado… My House:


My house is like my blog. It’s small and gets overcrowded and sometimes there’s a bit too much going on. There are kids – 1 & 2 (large and small). A zombie gnome (there really is, it’s new) as we have a bit of a zombie thing going on after a thing last year. The things in the windowsill in jars are crochet hooks (crochet is usually a major theme) and buttons – yes, I know it looks like a jar of pills. It’s not, honest. The spidery-type things behind the jars are balls of wool, being true to their role in my house by threatening to take over. The door is open as husband has nipped out for a game of football (he seems to have forgotten the ball though) and you can here music – another blog theme and all that’s ever be on in here if I didn’t let the kids watch cartoons sometimes.

So, that covers a lot of it really.. I missed me, I’m probably on the sofa with a camomile & spearmint tea, telling the kids to stop staring at people passing by.

The blog started as somewhere to put stuff, and hopefully find people like me, who don’t have a lot of time in the real world. That’s about it really!

And today was the first Monday back at work after xmas, which we’ve christened ‘Miserable Monday’. That’s a thing now, honest!

A terrifying picture…

This picture scares me:


It looks like it’s simply the innocent scribbling a of a young child, which is kind of true. Until said child explains what the picture is.

It’s called “picture of mammy with two babies in her tummy”

Just in case you’re wondering, mammy does not have two babies in her tummy. She has no babies in her tummy. Which is good. Babies cost money (which mammy does not have) and another one would mean the end of working mammy, as childcare cost lots. Which is why the prospect of two at once is simply terrifying!

There followed much conversation about where the inspiration for this picture came from…

Long story short, my kid wants more younger siblings.

Keep wishing kid!

Hello and how are you?

I’ve been a bit busy lately. Not the good kind of busy.. The wading-through-treacle-to-busy-to-sleep kind of busy. I feel like I’m painting the forth bridge.. No wait, that’s a song, isn’t it?

‘cos life is like, painting the Forth bridge with a tooth brush, in the full knowledge that when it’s done, it will be begun again…

(For those interested, The Divine Comedy, Painting the Forth Bridge)

Anyway.. Back to my excuses reason for not being here. Stuff has been busy and I’m really tired. That sounds rubbish written down, but I am. I barely make it to the gym, there’s just stuff that needs to be done. All of the time. So! To avoid sinking into a pit of self pity, I’m doing one of those positive posts this evening, without further ado, reasons I have to cheer up be happy:

My new hobby – tatting- this is not popular in the UK, so I haven’t found anyone to teach me. I started with YouTube and bought basic patterns books with a book voucher I got for my birthday. I’m not very good, but I like learning something new. And it’s really helping my empathise with my beginner crochet people! So, I managed this:


My babies – not quite so babyish, still very cute. Biggest is at that stage where sentences are overly complicated… “Mama, what’s today after I go to sleep?” Is a favourite. And in true toddler fashion, everyone stinks/is stinky at the moment. And every game must have a story, and there must be a reason for everything, and he must know what it is. He starts school nursery next week, so I can join the millions of people posting pictures of their kids in school uniform on Facebook and Instagram. Littlest is growing up too, he tried putting words altogether for the first time last week. His first attempt at a sentence was actually the same as his big brothers – more cookie please! This came out as ‘more cookie peas’ but I got it (and he more cookie). He’s like a small bulldozer and is incredibly tough (I think his big bro taught him that). Today he is sporting circular bruises on his head- the same shape as the toy he was running with at nursery and landed head first on, according to the accident report! Tomorrow is the last day that the boys will be in daycare together, near my work. That makes me sad! So back to happy thoughts…

I decorated my bathroom – well almost, I need to paint the floor. But I did it all by myself (well, I didn’t attach the cupboard to the wall). I even painted a frame to match and made a crochet thing to make it look pretty.



I haven’t killed my chilli plants yet


Work – should never be on a happy list unless you have your dream job. Which I don’t. I don’t even know what that would be! But anyway, going back to work after maternity leave is awful. It feel’s like you’ve been consigned to the scrap heap for being a mammy for a bit. So.. A few months down the line, it’s getting a bit better, I think. This can only be a good thing and therefore is on my happy list.

I’m running out of happy things… I’ve seen more of some of my family recently which is happysad. Happy for seeing them, sad cos the reasons for seeing them are sad. (And if happysad isn’t a word, it should be).

Right, I’m good at waffling on about nonsense, I think we’ve ascertained that. Maybe I should practice being good at sleeping now.

Goodnight folks!