Category Archives: everything’s ok

The night after the night before…

So, last night we dropped the kids off at the inlaws’ house, and headed for out lovely Thai meal… Which was bloody awful! The plan was to have a drink in the bar, go to the restaurant, eat, and then meet up with everyone in Newcastle, to drink.

Basically the food took ages (we were there for 2 hours!) and when the main courses arrived, they didn’t even vaguely resemble what we’d ordered (I didn’t like mine, so ate my rice instead). Now, I never ever complain (this is only the second time ever), but we did point out that it didn’t look like what we’d ordered and we’d waited ages and ages. I don’t mind waiting for nice food. But this wasn’t nice. Anyways, they made it cheaper and we paid somewhere in between what they were asking and what the bill would have been, because we felt bad too. I’m not sure why!

So that made us late to go out… So, we meet up with a large group of very drunk people, and apart from feeling incredibly uncomfortable until I’d had a couple of drinks, it was a good night.

But I did decide that I’m too old for rock clubs. And being the only woman with 3 men (we were the last 4 standing) was a little odd.

The hard part was getting up and going to my gym induction this morning, but I made it, and learnt how to use the machines. The guy said I had a good fitness level, but I think he was just saying that to make me feel better! I’m a very uncoordinated person, and kept making the cross trainer go backwards. And there’s this weird hand-cycle thing, which requires more coordination than I have.

It went ok though. Due to opening hours and husband’s work hours meaning I have to one to watch the kids, I don’t think i’ll make it back there until next Saturday, which is a shame. Not a lot I can do about it though. I’ll still have zumba on Wednesday. I missed last week, so need to get back to it asap.

Too old to go out drinking?

So I’m going out tonight… I feel a bit old. I remember just getting dressed, sticking a bit of make up on, and leaving the house. Now, even with larger child at nursery, I seem to have been preparing for most of the day, and I’m still no where near sorted!

We’re going for a meal, just the two of us, for my final birthday celebration (when you turn 30, you get lots of celebrations), then heading for Newcastle for a night out for Ian’s best friends birthday.

We’re trying a Thai place on the seafront, I’ll try to remember if it was nice or not! After this, I need to settle down and concentrate on being good! And stop drinking again too. I have my gym induction tomorrow, which is bad planning on my part! So, my gym gear is packed already, just so I’m prepared.

I’m sitting here having a coffee (decaf, of course) whilst little one is napping. I really wanted to be tidying up in my bedroom, but can’t cos he’s asleep in there. But I’m sitting here feeling old… I’d rather go to the cinema and have an early night than trail round bars… Maybe something has changed now I’m 30? Am I past it?

So now I’m 30

So, I turned 30 yesterday, and the world didn’t end.

It’s the start of week 3 for healthy eating and I’m pleased to report a 2lb loss. Which will hopefully get bigger as I start going to the gym. Yes, gym! I have an induction on Saturday morning. One of the great things about living in sunderland is that (after asking my GP and practice nurse) I got referred to this program. I started the nutrition part 2 weeks ago, but the exercise part started today.

Although not with any exercise yet! I have been weighed, measured, had my grip tested, my lung capacity measured and such things. This is to see if any improvement is made. I have induction on Saturday, so we’ll see how it goes!

Superhero day

Today has become superhero day in my house. This is why I’m sitting on the sofa listening to larger child from his bed to the floor, as that’s his super power. Oh, and did I mention that I’m wearing a mini cape held together by a peg?

It must have slipped my mind… Smaller child is having a nap to get out of this game, and frankly, I don’t blame him! I’m supermammy all day every day by my standards, I don’t need a cape to prove it!

It did provide a cute photo taking opportunity though:


And a slightly hyper 2 year old.

Life’s a beach

I’ve been thinking about where I live a lot lately, I was born in Washington, (UK, to avoid any confusion). I moved to Newcastle for university and Sunderland to live with other half (who is now husband). I’ve lived in Sunderland for nearly 10 years, and like living here, but sometimes I get reminded of why I like it here.

We’d been taking advantage of extended opening hours today and were driving home, when a song came on my iPod. It was by a local band called The Lake Poets, and it’s called City by the Sea. (One thing Sunderland has is a very varied music scene with lots of gigs showcasing local talent). This song resulted in a small detour…

This is why I like living where I do:




Where else could we add 5 minutes onto our drive home and spend an hour running around on the beach in the sunshine?