Category Archives: child related

Life’s a beach

I’ve been thinking about where I live a lot lately, I was born in Washington, (UK, to avoid any confusion). I moved to Newcastle for university and Sunderland to live with other half (who is now husband). I’ve lived in Sunderland for nearly 10 years, and like living here, but sometimes I get reminded of why I like it here.

We’d been taking advantage of extended opening hours today and were driving home, when a song came on my iPod. It was by a local band called The Lake Poets, and it’s called City by the Sea. (One thing Sunderland has is a very varied music scene with lots of gigs showcasing local talent). This song resulted in a small detour…

This is why I like living where I do:




Where else could we add 5 minutes onto our drive home and spend an hour running around on the beach in the sunshine?

Super chef!

Today I am officially super chef!

Larger child was at nursery, so I made macaroni cheese for lunch – I keep missing my dairy portions, and having I eat extra late at night. So, I decided to try a ‘healthy’ version for lunch. It was nice, I’d probably try it on the family!

But for best success, is my tea, tomato and bean soup:

It’s very nice, and I’ll definitely make it again. Last night I had an ice cream 🙁 but I was honest on my little ticky box thing, and showed that I’d been bad.

Gonna be better today! It’s nearly 8pm, I still have lots of housework to finish, then I need a bath, as I’m getting a birthday haircut tomorrow. And yes, it has been a year since I got my hair cut (I can’t afford it). My mam is taking me as a birthday present, and we’re going somewhere posh. I really don’t want to turn up smelling like floor cleaner! And we’re going for lunch afterwards, so I’m going to have to be very careful why I eat! I suppose you only turn 30 once, I’ve only got 3 days of my 20’s left…

So, for my ticky boxes, I have 1 carbohydrates, 2 fats, sugar and alcohol, and 4 fluid boxes left to tick.
Shouldn’t be too hard!

Well, food is finished, I need to get the rest of my jobs done, or I’ll be up all night!

Too tired to be a domestic goddess today

Or any other day really. The kids did a tag team thing to keep us awake last night. The tiredness is now setting in. It’s easy to see how I put weight on, I’ve been using sugar to keep me awake! As I’m limited to 4 portions of fatty/sugary stuff, I’ve used one to have spread on my toast at breakfast, and one to have a post-lunch digestive biscuit. I baba is having a nap, but larger child seems to have plenty of energy. How come he isn’t tired?? I’m so tired my head hurts!!

On another note, my super super healthy lunch:

Spelt, lentils, brown rice and vegetables! Getting better, methinks!

I have lots of housework, but I’m sitting on the sofa, struggling to be awake. Don’t you just love kids?

Eat your breakfast, or we can’t go out!

That’s what I seem to say at least 90 times every morning! Why don’t toddlers eat? It’s only toast! I’m waiting for him to realise that I am more stubborn than him, and will wait him out.

Anyway, I downloaded the NHS BMI app this morning, and it linked to some podcasts that I downloaded too. I figure I can listen to them in when husband’s at football. There’s a set designed for you to listen to when you’re training to start running, apparently, it guides you through when you should be walking/running and builds you up over time. However, I can’t see me jogging up the high street with my double pushchair! You have to commit to 3 days a week, with a day off in between. Gonna talk to husband, but that seems impossible to fit in with the schedule unless I take the kids with me!

Daddy Day Care and the start of Week Two!

So, Wednesday is historically ‘daddy daycare’ – the day husband looked after larger child while I was at work. I’m tagging along while on mat leave, the schedule is roughly:

Soft play
Sainsburys lunch

That’s why today is my best day for getting healthy. As long as I can fit in feeding the baba, I can get away with doing some ‘me’ stuff. Like weight loss group. I went today, and the focus was portions, I basically need to eat more fruit (I have already been trying). And measure stuff out, and eat more dairy.

I feel like I’ve kinda eaten more than I normally would, in trying to get the right amounts of the right stuff, but I’ve nearly hit all of my ticky boxes!


I think it’ll be easier on a normal day, when I’m having snacks with the kids during the day. I made my short term goal to eat more fruit – I’ve started this, but want to keep the momentum going. I have to fill in the ticky boxes every day too, I suppose it’s to help you learn until it becomes automatic.

Next week I’ll start the exercise part after the diet class bit, so I’ll see how that goes!

Exercise this week was Zumba, it was silly hot, and I didn’t feel as good, but it was nice to have some time out! I was a little achy from the Zumba DVDs the other day, this is the first time my stomach muscles have ached since being pregnant, so I’m actually kinda glad!!! It’s now 22:41 and I’m trying to get baba to settle back down to sleep, I’m now getting tired.

Foodwise, I made porridge, yoghurt and fruit for brekkie (sounds odd, but it works and I counted the yoghurt as a dairy portion). Another change4life recipe, everyone else ate it too.

I did sainsburys for lunch, giant cous cous and goat’s cheese salad, which was nice, and noodles and veg for tea.

So, not too bad really, a little bit of choccie and a biscuit as a treat. Off to a good start, going to bed full up, but will I be able to keep up the momentum?

Wanted to start a new exercise class tomorrow, I think my back is up to it, but husband got in first with a game of squash. I did point out that he played football on Monday and Tuesday, but apparently it’s too soon for my to risk for back! Ha! Next week I shall kick his ass, and go to a new class!

Weight wise, I put on 1lb since last week. I choose to believe that’s cos I didn’t have time to feed the baby before class! But it’s more likely to be the meal out and alcohol from the weekend. Well, it was an early birthday celebration, and you only turn 30 once!