Welcome to Mammylu’s House. Our house is a little crowded, but there’s always room for one more. We’ve random posts about crochet, needle felting and crafts. There’s plenty of kid related stuff (we have a few) and the odd drink. Passions include family, music and making stuff. Possible overuse of the word ‘stuff’. If this sounds like your kind of thing, hang around and have a look!

Hi, I found one of your random acts of crochet kindness in Grangetown cemetery today. It really had cheered me up a lot. I didn’t take it, I left it there for someone else as I think it’s important we share the joy of these things. Thank you for doing this, I was visiting a loved one extremely close to the tree where you left it and it brought me a lot of joy. Thank you xx
Thanks so much for commenting, generally my children ‘hide’ them for me but I sneaked a short walk in before work this morning as it looked sunny. I’m glad you liked it, I think we all need a little kindness these days! I often visit a family member there and sometimes is so grey/wet/muddy is makes me more sad, so I thought I’d try and brighten it a little!
We are visiting from the USA and found one of your crotchet beautiful butterflies. It surely did place a smile on my face when visiting Tynemouth Priory.
Thank you Nicky and family