Bananas and herbal tea


I just dug out my laptop, thinking it’d be nicer to type on. And I could listen to music too. After forty minutes of arguing with it, I have succeeded in emptying the recycle bin. So now I’m back to an iPod/iPhone combo. Apple have won again!

Anyway, bananas and herbal tea have been the theme for the weekend, as I found out on Friday that I’d put on 4lbs in a week and a half. Not exactly going well with the weight loss thing. But I’m not gonna dwell on negatives! Maybe I’ll have something positive to report on weigh-day-Wednesday?

Last weekend, I dragged family to local park to take part in a local ‘big walk’, we did a health walk. Husband didn’t want to be there and pointed that out almost continuously, and toddler ‘wasn’t tired’ but needed to be carried half way round, despite that, I enjoyed it. And toddler was happy with his medal.


It did reinforce my family’s, (well my husband’s really), version of supporting me. It’s very much ‘do want you want, as long as I’m not involved’, but such is life! Anyway, it’s a nice park, and it wasn’t too cold. The walk leaders were people who knew the park really well, so we learnt stuff on the way – who knew there was a bed of chamomile there?

So, now I’m listening to some Sam Baker. Highly recommended, if you’ve never heard of him. Not like anything else I listen too. A little sad sometimes too, but sometimes it’s nice to listen to something that isn’t as cheerful, it puts stuff into perspective.

Well, before I get too maudlin, and turn this into a pitiful rant…. I’m not gonna go on about things that are in my head too much, a lot of them should stay there. But I will pose a question instead, if that’s ok – why would a husband tell a lie about where he had been and who he’d been with? (The presumption here is that nothing sinister is going on).

I think I should maybe quit while I’m ahead, good night folks xxx

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