When’s payday again?

How come the last week before payday is so miserable?

And how come I can’t give up sugar?

And how come it’s raining today?

I was having fun at the beach 🙁

So, anyway, we’re plodding on. Not doing to well on the food and exercise front, the food part is purely my lack of self control, the exercise part is the lack of babysitters and weather going dodgy.

Right now everyone in my house is having a nap and I can’t sleep. I’m really tired though. But nevermind! We’ve been to the beach, until the rain came.

Larger child had fun, we were there last night too, I took him for a paddle in the sea. I’m glad I live near the sea, it makes for good child amusement! They showed a movie in a local park last night, I tried to talk husband into going, but he wouldn’t go see dirty dancing. I think he’d have probably spent most of the time playing football with child anyway, so I’m gonna work on him for next time!!

The seaside:





I had a bit of a vigilante moment this week…. I’ve noticed an increase in ‘scrap men’ on the streets, picking up metal to sell. A while back, one even knocked on my door and asked if some stuff in my yard was rubbish. For the clarification of any Americans, when I say yard, I mean area of concrete with ten foot wall around it.

So anyway, i’m in the house with the baby while the larger child is at nursery, and suddenly my cats come running in the house. I look out of the window, and I see a man climbing out of my yard, with larger child’s highchair (it was left out there).

So, I grabbed the baby, my keys, and my phone and gave chase! They promptly dumped the highchair, but I took some lovely pictures of their truck. Which I have to the nice policeman who came shortly afterwards.

Then a bit later I realised that chasing a truck full of men armed with an iPhone and a baby might not have been a good idea.. But nevermind! I hope the police scare them, because I haven’t felt very safe in my own home since then, and that sucks. Well, such is life! Anyway, time to go dry my hair, I’m in a phase of pretending to be girly. (I can try, I might convince someone).

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