Too old to go out drinking?

So I’m going out tonight… I feel a bit old. I remember just getting dressed, sticking a bit of make up on, and leaving the house. Now, even with larger child at nursery, I seem to have been preparing for most of the day, and I’m still no where near sorted!

We’re going for a meal, just the two of us, for my final birthday celebration (when you turn 30, you get lots of celebrations), then heading for Newcastle for a night out for Ian’s best friends birthday.

We’re trying a Thai place on the seafront, I’ll try to remember if it was nice or not! After this, I need to settle down and concentrate on being good! And stop drinking again too. I have my gym induction tomorrow, which is bad planning on my part! So, my gym gear is packed already, just so I’m prepared.

I’m sitting here having a coffee (decaf, of course) whilst little one is napping. I really wanted to be tidying up in my bedroom, but can’t cos he’s asleep in there. But I’m sitting here feeling old… I’d rather go to the cinema and have an early night than trail round bars… Maybe something has changed now I’m 30? Am I past it?

One thought on “Too old to go out drinking?

  1. Ms. Jolly Blogger

    I think when you reach your 30’s it’s true that your lifestyle takes a turn into a slower, more relaxed pace. Especially if you are in your 30’s with a family. (in that case, “relaxed” may not be the best word! Haha!) Then again, I know a lot of 30 year olds (some with children!) who still act as if they’re wild, single teenagers! I guess it just depends…

    Don’t feel bad about wanting to skip the party scene and doing something “quieter.” Just think of our 30’s years as growing more into our sophisticated and wise stage. đŸ™‚


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