Annual Haircut and falling off the wagon

So, today I got my haircut. All my money seems to disappear, so I don’t ever often have spare money. So I get it cut as short as possible (so I can still tie it up though, important with small kids). That way it doesn’t get too long. My hair is still at the falling-out-having-just-had-a-baby stage. Hair dresser gave advice – good shampoo, and brush gently.

My mother bought me new conditioner after finding out I had just bought wilkinsons own brand. Well, it was on offer!!

Food wise, the day started well, with porridge and banana. Then it got a little bit bad, at starbucks… I’d like to think a skinny latte isn’t that bad!

Then my mam and stepdad took me out for lunch… I had decide if I was being bad or good.

My logic is this: if I deny myself treats for my birthday (i really don’t ever go out normally), then I’ll be demoralised and less likely to continue. That’s me excuse anyway!

So… A half pint of lager, cheese and bean toastie and chips, skinny latte number 2 and cupcake later…. Then pizza and an icecream for tea. It looks worse in writing!

Back on the wagon tomorrow!!!!!

Husband wants to join me, so we’ll see how that works out for us (hopefully better, as we’ll motivate each other to be good).

In other news, I bought a wine home brew kit for my husband. It was £3. Let’s see what happens with that too.

So, I had a nice day out, no kids for the first time since baba was born, husband enjoyed being trusted with both kids for the first time too. Although I was happy to see that he looked slightly relieved when I got back.

I bought a kids introduction to phonics today as well, it wasn’t how I learnt to read, and I think I need to understand it before my kid starts learning it! You wouldn’t believe I was a qualified teacher, would you?

I’m gonna drink some wine now, and not the tiny weeny glass I had last night! Well, only 2 days of my 20s left!

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