Day 0 and a bit

So… Dropped off at Zumba silly early and the place is still locked. Didn’t want to keep the kids here any longer as they were screaming, and didn’t have time to go home and come back.

Forgot to say on my earlier post:
16.1 weight by NHS lady. I don’t do kilograms and stuff, but may figure it out at some point. It’s a bit boring outside the community centre. Lots of cars and not much else.

(break involving lots of ladies in a room bopping about (in my case, wobbling my bits) to loud music)

I was stood up for Zumba. Such is life. Waiting for bus home. Feeling glamorous and sweaty.

Need to find something to eat when I get home, husband asked (as we were leaving supermarket, where’d he’d bought food for tea) if I wanted him to make me something for when I got home. My answer “did you buy me anything to eat?” guess what? He didn’t. What a charming man.

And he’s off to play squash when I get back. I shall fend for myself!

Things aren’t going too well.


Well, my blood pressure seems a bit better, but that’s not what I’m referring to. Things with husband suck right now. A lot.

And I’m not sure what I’m supposed to do about it.

Any ideas world?

I’m sure we’ve been here before. So why don’t I know what to do?

On a less serious note, I will soon be 30. I need to decide how to deal with that too.

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