Monthly Archives: January 2015

Re-springing your step

So, my first ever attempt at a daily prompt. Who’s step are we re-springing? Mine, or yours?

I put some spring into my step recently, by:
-ending 2014 with my new tattoo
-finally growing up a bit and getting contact lenses. After 13 years of glasses.
-getting back to the gym after a recent back injury
-having a dry January
-keeping my New Years resolutions (to actually blog stuff, as well as keep a grip on my emails)

What puts the spring back in your step?


I get bored sometimes…


Sometimes people will compliments me on something I’ve made. I don’t respond to compliments very well. I used to respond with ‘I get bored sometimes’… I’ve managed to stretch that to the slightly more socially acceptable ‘thanks, I get bored sometimes’. But my social ineptitude is sometimes impossible to hide.

Anyhow, I made Mr Octopus over a couple of nights after work whilst watching TV. He’s a pattern from a book, I got a bargain on some sock wool (the best stuff for monster making) and had to test it.

In other news, my fridge-freezer gave up and the end of last week, which wasn’t good as I couldn’t afford a new one. Santa is helping though (he gets earlier every year) and a new one arrives tomorrow. A different santa helped when our washing machine stopped washing just before Christmas. I like Santa.

Someone on Facebook posted something which describes my financial status… He said ‘I dropped a pound coin under the car seat and couldn’t find it, so I guess I have savings now’

It made me chuckle, anyway.

Well, enough rambling for tonight! G’night folks!

“similarities between diverse things..”

Is actually the name of the piece of music I`m listening to right now. It’s pretty good.

Anyway.. my dream reader.. We’re talking my ideal reader, right? Not a creepy monster who sneaks in and reads my dreams?

Glad we got that cleared up.

The music was actually relevant, as my dream reader is someone similar to me, I guess.

Today has been a day of too many things and my brain is not quite functioning, so I’m gonna give myself a break and sleep.

so… dream reader, please don’t read my dreams.. Have a nice sleep and I’ll see you tomorrow..