Progress report


This is me, today. I had lost 1 lb. The lady had converted my weight from kg wrongly, I think. So, I didn’t gain weight, but I didn’t speed up my weight loss either, I slowed it down.

I’m not making excuses, but I think it’s been harder to control my diet as I’m weaning the littlest. Feeding him used to give me an extra 500 (roughly) calories a day, which helped cover up when I slipped. So, the answer? No more slips! Better willpower!!

Still working on how I’ll get that though!

Been to the gym and Zumba today. And I didn’t cheat on my weights (have been doing more reps at a lower weight due to ouchiness) and tried one set of reps on the leg press at 50kg instead of 40. The other 2 weights things I do are 20kg they are something to do with upper back, and chest press, I think!

Was a bit gutted at the gym when I checked my results and it said I’d burnt 6 calories less on my cardio stuff. Not a lot, but I really tried to do more today! Hopefully I’ll be better on Friday. So, this post is more motivational. I hope.

In other news, there’s now other people at Zumba using the machine I use before class to do a health check. I started a trend!!

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