Off course, of course

So, I’ve been quiet for a little bit. I put 1lb back on, and have been off track ever since. Am now actually worried about getting weighed on Wednesday. Never mind! Tomorrow is another day.

One of the reasons for my naughty eating habits this weekend has been my house. It’s having a birthday next year, it’ll be 100. And it needed a repaint (outside) and a boundary wall repairing. So we thought. A couple of days work. So we thought.

So, we packed off the kids, my dad (all round DIY expert) came over and… Stuff starting dropping off, and looking damp (never a good thing!). In short, part of my house that was rendered is now naked.

I have some pretty red bricks though! So, how does that make you eat badly? I hear you ask… Well. When working, it is customary to feed the workers. Something quick and easy, so as not to interrupt the work much. So, chips and vegetable pakora for lunch. It’s also customary to provide refreshments. Which means beer. And as the kids were staying out, it meant more beer later (and a date night, but I’m going to try a ‘proper’ serious write up on that one next).

So, it’s all gone a bit awry. But I have been burning calories doing crochet (If google says it burns more calories than watching telly, I believe it!) and have finished of a couple of projects that have been hanging around:


Just for clarification, the blanket was the project, not the baby! He’s the blanket tester. I also made a couple of new things:



I’m trying to make a hat right now, which is a bit of a challenge. And I want to write about what I did at the weekend, but my broadband is off (as usual!) and I can’t figure out how to link to the site on my phone. I’m sure I’ll find a way!!

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