We are the sleepyheads


Well, everyone but me is asleep. And that photo was actually from last night. That’s what happens when my husband drinks too much.

We’ve had an ok weekend, it rained on saturday, and husband was at work in the morning, so me and big kid built a den in my bedroom. Little kid cut his second tooth, he wasn’t impressed with the den. Yesterday we bought a £1.99 kite and flew it on the cliff tops (carefully, and away from the edge!). It was surprisingly good for a cheap kite.

Big kid stayed at his grandparents’ last night, and husband went out and drank a lot. Then came home and played human pinball (imagine drunk person bouncing off every available surface).

Today we went to an engine museum. That’s really all I knew about it till we got there. I knew it was having a steam day today, and that it was free. It turned out to be a water pumping station, built in 1869, that the water board have kept in working order to let people come and see it. It was really interesting, but a bit terrifying at the same time!! I’m a little scared of heights, some bits made me nervous.

I think it’s cool, because their isn’t much like that around anymore, it’s nice to show the kids something that works, instead of trying to explain how it would work. And a very nice man (it’s staffed by volunteers) explained how it works, I bought a leaflet, so I can show big kid.

It’s at Ryhope Engine Museum, if you fancy a look.

There was a blacksmith there too, and he made a shovel, I was very impressed. It’s a beautiful building, and I wish I’d managed to get better pictures.





Husband has been working overtime recently, due me shortly being at the bit of maternity leave where your wages stop. This has given me time to have a go at some crochet again. I shall soon be overrun with random bags I never use! Tonight’s project was ‘playing with hairpin lace’, I managed 2 rows and joined them up (but you’ll have to imagine them, as it’s too dark for a photo, and everyone’s asleep).

I think I’ll try and join them! Night night folks xx

Oh. Nearly forgot to report the ‘being healthy’ progress! Went to gym Friday, Saturday and Sunday, and ached today. Been reasonably good food wise, but did have sweeties today. Bad me! Right, really off to kip now, am due an early morning wake up call from little one.

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